
We are proud to be one of the universities that continues to grow in the research field. Combining the expertise and talents of students and lecturers from various disciplines to provide the quality that can be achieved in research and innovation to increase research and community service both locally and nationally.


Apart from focusing on research, we also unite research and community service activities into one institution called the Institute for Research, Community Service and Quality Assurance (LPPM-PM).

Publication Results

The focus on research and quality assurance at Universitas Samudra is carried out systematically including publications. The results of research conducted by lecturers are well recorded through the results of lecturer publications in reputable national and international journals. In addition, research results are published in mass media, both print and online, so that they reach a wider public.

Collection of scientific journals for study programs at Universitas Samudra


Collection of data from scientific publications by Universitas Samudra lecturers

Collection of writings by Universitas Samudra students